I just plain forgot about pictures that day. This is a theme for me and new experiences!
The windscreen has adjustable height and in no position was it working for me; it might work ok for a bit and then become unbearable at 10MPH more pace
My BIL has Tracer. I didn’t know about them when he showed me. He seems to like it a lot. He commutes with it which is nuts here in Denver. I like triples having had a couple Hinckley Triumphs that became impossible to get serviced.
A good, useful and well written article .
How about some pictures ? .
I hear that factory windshields are often in need of raising, lowering or trimming to work properly with different riders .
I ride naked bikes and use a shield on my helmet .
I just plain forgot about pictures that day. This is a theme for me and new experiences!
The windscreen has adjustable height and in no position was it working for me; it might work ok for a bit and then become unbearable at 10MPH more pace
Dig it ~ I don't like windshields on bikes period .
This means my rare rain rides are endurance runs .
My BIL has Tracer. I didn’t know about them when he showed me. He seems to like it a lot. He commutes with it which is nuts here in Denver. I like triples having had a couple Hinckley Triumphs that became impossible to get serviced.
Commuting year round here on a bike is not something I would be up for, and certainly not right now with my street covered in snow!